Why 10 Foot Shipping Containers Are Essential for Your Business

When it comes to versatile storage solutions for small to medium-sized businesses, 10 foot shipping containers are hard to beat. They offer a compact yet secure space for your valuable items and can be customized to meet a variety of needs from simple storage to high-security workspaces.

If you’re in a hurry, here are the key takeaways about 10 foot shipping containers:

  • Durability: High-grade steel construction withstands harsh conditions.
  • Security: Advanced locking mechanisms protect your valuables.
  • Portability: Easy to transport and set up wherever needed.
  • Customization: Tailor the container to fit your exact requirements.
  • Delivery: Fast and reliable, often arriving within a week.

Quick Buying Guide for 10 Foot Containers

  1. Identify Needs: Determine if you need storage, an office, or a specialized unit.
  2. Select Condition: Choose between new and pre-owned containers.
  3. Check Dimensions: Ensure the container fits your space and capacity needs.
  4. Consider Customization: Decide on modifications like doors, windows, or refrigeration.
  5. Budget for Delivery: Factor in the cost based on your geographical location and distance from the dispatch center.

My name is Steve Hyndman, and I am the Vice President of Aztec Container. With over 30 years of experience in providing 10 foot shipping containers, I have assisted countless businesses in finding the perfect storage and workspace solutions.

Learn more about the different types of 10-foot shipping containers below.

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Types of 10 Foot Shipping Containers

When it comes to 10 foot shipping containers, there are several types to consider based on your specific needs. These containers can be used for storage, office space, or even as a guard shack. Let’s explore the different types available:

Storage Containers

10 Foot Cargo Doors Container: This is the classic choice for secure storage and transportation. Featuring easy-to-operate cargo doors, these containers are perfect for keeping your items safe and organized. Whether you’re storing tools, equipment, or personal items, this container offers a robust and reliable solution.

Office Containers

10 Foot Office Container: Need a compact yet fully functional office? This container can be customized with desks, lighting, and power outlets to create a cozy and efficient workspace. Ideal for construction sites, remote work locations, or any scenario where you need a portable office.

10 Foot Office Container - 10 foot shipping containers

Roll-Up Door Containers

10 Foot Roll Up Door Container: If you need frequent and easy access to your stored items, a roll-up door container is your best bet. This type of container is perfect for shops, garages, or any other setting where regular access is essential. The roll-up door design makes it incredibly convenient.

Walk-In Door Containers

10 Foot Walk In Door Container: Similar to the roll-up door container, but with a walk-in door for even easier access. This setup is ideal for storing office supplies, tools, or even setting up a small workshop. The walk-in door makes it hassle-free to enter and exit the container frequently.

Guard Shack Containers

10 Foot Guard Shack: Security is paramount for many businesses, and a guard shack container offers a secure and comfortable space for security personnel. These containers can be customized with windows, air conditioning, and other features to ensure a functional and comfortable environment for overseeing your site.

10 Foot Guard Shack - 10 foot shipping containers

Each of these 10 foot shipping containers can be customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you need a simple storage solution or a fully equipped office, Aztec Container has the right option for you.

Learn more about the key features to look for in your next shipping container below.

Key Features to Look For

When buying 10 foot shipping containers, it’s important to focus on key features that will meet your needs. Here are the top features to consider:


Durability is crucial. Aztec Containers are constructed with high-grade steel, making them incredibly tough. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and are built to last. This means your container will stay in good shape for years, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

“Our containers are designed to endure the toughest conditions, ensuring your investment is protected,” says a satisfied customer.


Security is another top priority. Our containers come with advanced locking mechanisms to keep your valuables safe. Features like door bars and lockboxes add extra layers of protection. This makes them ideal for storing important items or setting up a secure office space.


Portability is a significant advantage. These containers are easy to transport and set up. Whether you need to move them across town or to a new job site, the process is straightforward. This flexibility makes them a versatile choice for many uses.


Customization allows you to tailor the container to your exact needs. You can add electrical outlets, lighting, air conditioning, and more. Custom features can transform a simple container into a functional office, storage unit, or even a small living space.

“We customized our container with windows and A/C. It’s now a perfect on-site office,” says another happy customer.


Warranty is something you shouldn’t overlook. A good warranty can provide peace of mind, knowing that any issues will be taken care of. Aztec Container offers warranties that cover various aspects of the container, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

By focusing on these key features, you can ensure that your 10 foot shipping container meets all your needs and provides the best value for your investment.

Next, we will discuss the cost considerations to keep in mind when purchasing a shipping container.

Cost Considerations

When buying a 10 foot shipping container, understanding the cost factors is crucial. Here are the main aspects to consider:

New vs Used

New Containers: Often called “One-Trip” containers, new ones have only been used once. They are in excellent condition, almost like new, and can withstand harsh conditions for a long time. However, they come at a premium price.

Used Containers: More budget-friendly, used containers start at a lower price point. While they may show signs of wear like dents and rust, they are still functional. Always inspect used containers or request detailed photos to ensure they meet your needs.

Geographical Location

Where you buy your container can significantly impact the cost. Prices vary by region due to factors like availability and local market conditions. For example, a container in a rural area might cost less than one in a high-demand urban area. Always check the local market before making a purchase.

Delivery Distance

The cost of delivery is another critical factor. Proximity matters—the closer you are to the supplier, the lower the transportation cost. For example, local delivery starts at around $350. However, if you’re far from the dispatch center, shipping costs can add up quickly. Also, consider the accessibility of your delivery site. Difficult-to-reach locations may incur additional charges.

Customization Costs

Customizing your container to fit your specific needs can also affect the price. Whether you need additional doors, windows, or specialized features like insulation or electrical wiring, each modification adds to the cost. It’s essential to budget for these extras if you require a customized solution.

By understanding these cost considerations, you can make a more informed decision and ensure that your 10 foot shipping container fits both your needs and budget. Next, we will explore the dimensions and specifications to look for when buying a shipping container.

Dimensions and Specifications

When buying a 10 foot shipping container, understanding its dimensions and specifications is crucial. Let’s break down the key details.

External Dimensions

The external dimensions define the outermost size of the container:

  • Length: 2991 mm (approximately 10 feet)
  • Width: 2438 mm (approximately 8 feet)
  • Height: 2591 mm (approximately 8.5 feet)

These dimensions make the container compact and easy to position in smaller spaces, whether for storage or as a temporary structure.

Internal Dimensions

The internal dimensions are slightly smaller due to the thickness of the container walls:

  • Length: 2830 mm
  • Width: 2329 mm
  • Height: 2390 mm

These measurements provide a total capacity of 15 cubic meters. This is plenty of room for various uses, from storing household items to setting up a small office.


With these internal dimensions, you get approximately 80 square feet of floor space inside the container. Despite its compact size, a 10 foot shipping container can hold a considerable amount of goods. For instance, it can fit:

  • A fully made-up king-size bed
  • Four to five motorcycles or quad bikes
  • Contents of a 2-3 room apartment


Understanding the weight of the container is essential for logistics and shipping:

  • Tare Weight: The weight of the empty container is approximately 2,645 lbs.
  • Max Cargo Weight: The container can safely carry up to 19,753 lbs.
  • Maximum Gross Weight: The total weight of the container plus the cargo is 22,398 lbs.

Knowing these weights helps you plan your logistics effectively, ensuring you stay within legal and safe limits.

By understanding these dimensions and specifications, you can make the most of the space available and ensure your 10 foot shipping container meets your needs. Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about 10 foot shipping containers.

Frequently Asked Questions about 10 Foot Shipping Containers

Are there 10 foot wide shipping containers?

No, standard shipping containers, including 10 foot shipping containers, are typically 8 feet wide. This width is standardized to fit on transport vehicles and ships efficiently. However, the 8-foot width still provides ample storage convenience for a variety of uses, from residential to commercial needs.

How big is a 10 foot shipping container?

A 10 foot shipping container has specific dimensions to maximize its utility. Here’s a quick breakdown:

External Dimensions:
Width: 8 feet
Height: 8.5 feet
Length: 10 feet

Internal Dimensions:
Width: 7 feet 8.5 inches
Height: 7 feet 10.2 inches
Length: 9 feet

These dimensions make it ideal for fitting into tighter spaces like driveways or small business lots while providing ample storage space.

What is the largest size shipping container you can buy?

The largest standard shipping containers available are typically 40 feet long. These are widely used for large-scale storage and shipping needs. However, there are also high cube containers, which are 1 foot taller, providing extra vertical space.

For those needing even more space, custom sizes are available. Companies like Aztec Container offer modifications to create containers that fit specific requirements, ensuring you get the exact size you need for your project.

By addressing these common questions, we hope to clarify any uncertainties you might have about 10 foot shipping containers. Now, let’s move on to the conclusion.


At Aztec Container, we believe in providing solutions that are not just practical but also tailored to fit your unique needs. Our 10-foot shipping containers exemplify this philosophy with their robust design and versatile applications.

Fast Delivery

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver your container swiftly. Whether you need a standard container or a customized unit, our team works efficiently to ensure your container reaches your site promptly. In fact, we often manage to deliver within the same or next day, depending on our schedule.

Customizable Solutions

Every customer has different requirements, and we understand that. Our containers can be modified to include additional windows, doors, or specific interior setups. Whether you’re setting up a tiny home, a pop-up shop, or an office space, our customization options make it possible to create a container that fits your exact needs.

Competitive Prices

We offer both new and used containers to suit various budgets. New containers provide longevity and pristine condition, while pre-owned options are more cost-effective. Our pricing is transparent and competitive, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

At Aztec Container, we are committed to delivering quality and value. Ready to explore the possibilities with our 10-foot shipping containers? Visit our 10-Foot Containers page to learn more and customize your own container today.

By choosing Aztec Container, you’re not just getting a storage solution; you’re investing in a sustainable and versatile option that will serve you for years to come.